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A Few Words From Dusty:
Dear Race Fan:
Ever since I can remember I have dreamed of racing profes-sionally and know after racing for about 13 years it takes a lot of time and effort to keep a car capable of winning. My father and I have always been willing to do the little extras it takes to be a winner. I believe that with some help I can make it to the top. After you have looked at some of the things I’ve accomplished on the track, I hope you will have as much faith in me as I do.
Dusty Smith  (Dude)

And Now a word from dad:
Dear Race Fan:
Here is my challenge and why I need your assistance. The cost of racing, as you know, is incredibly high. Up until now, thanks to a very good job and a lot of extra hours I have been able to finance all of the efforts that my son and I have made together. Looking towards the future, Dusty needs to step up to a higher level now
at his young age while his learning curve is still fast. As you know, in the world of racing you must have the experience to run with the best. You must get this experience early and continue to learn throughout your career.
I honestly believe that my son has the talent, potential, drive, and that little bit “in the seat of his pants” that you can’t teach, train, or wish for. I would hate for this young man not to have the
opportunity to reach his full potential. Dusty can have a career and life in auto racing if I can give him the opportunity.  Up until
now, with the help of some good friends and family, I have been able to always provide a competitive vehicle for Dusty to race. Now that we have reached a level of competition that requires thousands of dollars in just the motor, I feel without serious help I will not be able to provide a competive platform for my son to learn from.

Thank you for your thought and time,
Jeff Smith  (Cowboy)